Pad printing machine, pad printing ink printing eligibility
For the performance of the pad printing ink, requires the following printing eligibility:
(1) proper drying speed.Overall, pad printing ink is a predominantly volatile dry fast dry ink, but relatively speaking, pad printing ink dry and there was a slow and fast dry two kinds, namely the average mark within 2-5 s dry type for quick dry pad printing ink, above 5 s for drying slow drying, pad printing ink.
(2) good deinking.The deinking ability refers to the pad printing ink to the pad printing head of deinking ability, is the transfer from pad printing ink to printing substrates on ability, of course is associated with the deinking ability of pad printing head.
(3) good ink adhesion.Due to the pad printing range, variety of substrates, requires that pad printing inks on different substrates with good adhesion.In addition, as pad printing inks also requires not the pad printing head and plate corrosion phenomena, so the mobile printing ink solvent is usually used in butyl acetate, cyclohexanone and turpentine, etc.